Changing the Lives of Disadvantaged Communities

Changing the Lives of Disadvantaged Communities

When you wake up in the morning, you might throw off the covers of a warm bed, fry up a tasty pan of bacon and eggs, take a hot shower and head out the door to your job. It’s hard to imagine anything less. But the fact is, millions of people around the world are struggling due to a lack of basic resources. Nearly half of the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 per day. Their lives are filled with uncertainty, and many are in desperate need of the basic resources we often take for granted.
Our Dignified Living projects allow us to change the lives of disadvantaged brothers and sisters in Christ around the world by meeting their physical and spiritual needs.

Areas of Work

the hungry

giving drink
to the thirsty


the sick

the homeless

the naked

feeding the hungry

giving drink to the thirsty

health care

visiting the sick

sheltering the homeless

clothing the naked


“Jesus does not demand great actions from us, but simply surrender and gratitude.” Saint Therese of Lisieux


Feast Day: October 1

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, also called Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus was born in Alençon, France in 1873, and died in Lisieux, France in 1897.

Beatified: April 29, 1923 by Pope Pius XI
Canonized: May 17, 1925 by Pope Pius XI

Dignified Living Patron

Saint Therese of Lisieux
Patron of the Missions

Therese was the youngest of 9 siblings only 5 of which survived
childhood. She followed all 4 of her elder sisters into the convent. With special permission from the Pope, she entered Carmel at 15 years old where she consecrated her life to God as a Carmelite
contemplative. Therese prayed and sacrificed for God’s kingdom to grow throughout the world. She taught her “Little Way,” which taught that what mattered to God was not extraordinary actions but ordinary actions done out of extraordinary love. She died at 24 of tuberculosis and her journal became a best-selling spiritual classic called Story of a Soul. She was made a doctor of the Church and a copatron of the Church’s evangelizing missions with Saint Francis Xavier.

Countries With Dignified Living Projects

We work where we are most needed and can guide communities toward self-sufficiency.

We serve with physical restoration in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chile, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Philippines, PolandSouth Africa, and Tanzania.


“Jesus does not demand great actions from us, but simply surrender and gratitude.” Saint Therese of Lisieux


Feast Day: October 1

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, also called Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus was born in Alençon, France in 1873, and died in Lisieux, France in 1897.

Beatified: April 29, 1923 by Pope Pius XI
Canonized: May 17, 1925 by Pope Pius XI

Dignified Living Patron

Saint Therese of Lisieux
Patron of the Missions

Therese was the youngest of 9 siblings only 5 of which survived
childhood. She followed all 4 of her elder sisters into the convent. With special permission from the Pope, she entered Carmel at 15 years old where she consecrated her life to God as a Carmelite
contemplative. Therese prayed and sacrificed for God’s kingdom to grow throughout the world. She taught her “Little Way,” which taught that what mattered to God was not extraordinary actions but ordinary actions done out of extraordinary love. She died at 24 of tuberculosis and her journal became a best-selling spiritual classic called Story of a Soul. She was made a doctor of the Church and a copatron of the Church’s evangelizing missions with Saint Francis Xavier.

Countries With Dignified Living Projects

Ongoing Projects

Every month, we get to highlight one project you can support around the world. Here are the most recent ways you can make an impact…

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We also provide regular updates through   photographs and    videos to show the immediate impact your donation provides.

We encourage you to donate to Catholic World Mission today to support us as we meet basic needs and spread the love of Christ throughout the world.

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