Our Mission
Catholic World Mission bridges the gap between donors and partners to uplift those in spiritual and material poverty.
You Make This Possible
Chicks for familiesÂ
Thanks to your continued selfless giving, Evangelizadores de Tiempo Completo (ETC) distributed chicks to families in Chiapas and Tabasco. The chicks are a future source of food and income for these families, which will give them stability and a better quality of life.
Recent Successes
Ongoing Projects
How Your Donations Are Used
The projects we sponsor go beyond basic charity work – we use each dollar we receive to uplift poor communities to long-term self-sufficiency. See the extraordinary impact of your generosity within the past ten years below!
Our Pillars
Dignified Living
143K+ given access to clean water, reliable transportation, and nutritious meals…
2MM+ people heard the Gospel and were trained in our Catholic faith…
$500K+ in scholarship provided to students and teachers…
CWM Programs
Lumen Partnership
Mano Amiga School
Seminarian Formation
LAY Missionaries
Lifesaving Supplies
Ways to Give
Donor Advised Fund
Planned Giving
IRA Charitable Rollover
Matching Gifts
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