Feeding the Hungry in Jamaica

Feeding the Hungry in Jamaica

Jamaica’s neighbors include Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. For over 500 years, Jamaica has been predominately Christian, with 70% of its population Protestant, 28% other denominations, and 2% Catholic. There are three Catholic dioceses in Jamaica with the largest in Kingston. The Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) was founded in 1981 in Jamaica to serve the poorest of the poor. Fifteen years later, in 1996, the Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor (CFSOP) were founded and they have gently served the poor and marginalized in Jamaica ever since.
In Montego Bay, many children and their families are struggling throughout Chester Castle, Seaford Town, Grange Hill, Cambridge, and Glendevon in the rural Catholic parishes, mission chapels, ghetto communities and Children Homes. CFSOP through their call to show mercy to those in need and “to shine a little ray of Christ’s light” have developed CFSOP COVID 19 Care Packages and Food Distribution Outreach Programs to respond to the community’s cry for help.
Jamaica CFSOP many children and their families are struggling
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Project Updates

Project Updates

Packages to Distribute to the Families

Winter 2020

Catholic World Mission, through the generosity of its donors and the general fund, was able to help CFSOP procure immediately needed food supplies for suffering children and their families. The sisters were able to make bulk purchases of food such as rice, counter flour, corn meal, and meats. They created care packages to distribute to the families for the love of Jesus and to bring hope to His people as they struggle through these difficult days.”

Currently, the CFSOP are the only religious community who are registered and able to freely clear containers of donated goods and mission supplies without being heavily taxed. This makes it possible for them to help even more Jamaicans who are struggling. The sisters continue to develop their program and hope to sustain it in “order to assist those who are poorest, most vulnerable, and experiencing great suffering.”

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