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Fulfill the Spiritual and Corporal Works

Updated: 2 hours ago

The Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, is harshly affected by the pandemic. As the poorest diocese in the United States, it serves seven Native American Nations including the Dine (Navajo), Hopi, Zuni, White Mountain Apache,Jicarilla Apache, Laguna, and Acoma nations. It spans over two state boundaries to completely encompass the boundaries of these distinct Native American Reservations and Sovereign Nations.

Resources like running water and electricity are scarce on the Reservations, creating a perfect storm for COVID-19 to run rampant Without electricity or running water, how are people supposed to wash their hands one of the simplest defenses against the virus?


  • To Admonish the Sinner - Some parish confessIonals need to be rebuilt to comply with the social distancing regulations This will provide a safe safe for reconcIliatIon.

  • To Instruct the Ignorant - Some parish catechism and RCIA programs, as well as schools, will need to reformat classrooms for social distancing and are in dire need of extra cleaning supplies.

  • To Counsel the Doubtful and to Comfort the Sorrowful - In order to continue safe pastoral outreach and visitatIon, pastors, religious sisters, and lay ministers are in need of protective personal equipment.

  • To Bear Wrongs Patiently and to Forgive All injuries - Postage funds are needed for parishes to mail uplifting prayers to those who are at risk or suffering, without access to online masses and homilies.

  • To Pray far the Living and the Dead - Additional bulletin funds are needed to announce mass Intentions and parish news, as many bulletin advertisers are no longer sustaining ads in parish bulletins. Bulletins will be mailed to parishioners without the internet in remote regions.


  • To Feed the Hungry - Some parishes host food banks. Due to a greater need for food because of pandemic-related job losses parishes wiII be distributing supermarket gift cards to those in need.

  • To Give Drink to the Thirsty - Because many of the Native Americans don't have running water at home, the parishes allow parishioners to use the church's water supplies. To provide safe and reliable water many hoses and equipment must be replaced.

  • To Clothe the Naked - Some parishes provide thrift shops,  which will be hosted more frequently due to the increased needed. More personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies are needed, as well.

  • To Visit the Imprisoned - Pastors, religious sisters, and lay ministers are in need of protective personal equipment to continue safe pastoral outreach and visitation.

  • To Shelter the Homeless  Some parishes use  "rectory annexes" to house the homeless overnight. To provide a safe space, parishes are increasing their regular cleaning schedules and are in need of additional supplies.

  • To Visit the Sick - In order to continue safe pastoral outreach and visitatIon, pastors, religious sisters, and lay ministers are in need of protective personal equipment.

  • To Bury the Dead - Additional personal protective equipment is needed for pastoral visItatIons and funerals.




Getting Help to Those Who Need it Most

March 2021

You helped 11 churches and 9 schools hit hard by the pandemic, who struggle during normal times. These churches and schools decided how best to serve their community getting help to those who need it most. Like St. Paul's Catholic Church, a small predominately Navajo parish in Crown Point, New Mexico. Without running water or electricity this rural parish depends on wood as a fuel source. The elderly use wood for cooking their meals and to provide warmth. Your donation helped supply wood and impacted the community in two ways; the person providing the wood earned money for their work and the recipients benefit. One elderly women exclaimed, "l'm so glad you came I don't have any more wood and no money to buy any."

Your generosity also provided hand sanitizing stations for their church, food and other supplies. Sanitizer stations eliminate the need 10 handle bottles-further preventing the spread of germs and keeping the elderly and handicapped safe.

 You helped Sacred Heart Cathedral provide 7 families with $100 each when they needed it most and meals to many who come to the church for help during these unprecedented times. You provided urgently needed water sanitizer, food boxes and food coupons to provide tor families nutrition in Christ the King, St Jude and  Our Lady of FaitIma parishes. In doing so you helped others to share in the collection, distribution. and sharing of these gifts. You facilitated a culture of empowering the poor and sharing the Gospel through acts of works of mercy. Thank you!

In the schools. you stocked food pantries and helped food insecure children receive the weekend bag program where meals are prepared and distributed to children so they have food for the weekend. "The dally lunches, and to go bags helped my family tremendously! I don't have to worry whether they have brain food or not. I am super grateful our school is able to help families like mine." Again, by your grace, you helped others to reach out and help their neighbors Many of the children picking up meals were local school kids who needed help. You ministered to their through their neighbors. Thank you!

You also provided volunteer teachers who give their time with stipends and PPE equipment like masks, gloves and cleaning supplies - all needed to resume learning activities. Each school community within the larger community choosing where and how to help each other. Because of you so many lives were impacted. 'We extend our gratitude and that of our people to Catholic World Missions and their donor for blessing us with their care and generosity."


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