St. Joseph the Worker Home in Kakamega, Kenya is helping disabled and mentally handicapped children experience life to the fullest. The Sisters of Mary of Kakamega guide these children towards self-reliant and dignifying lives even with their bleak reality of discrimination and a lack of basic healthcare.

Grateful for Your Support
January 2024
We want to extend our sincere appreciation for your support to St. Joseph The Worker Home for the physically challenged and children with epilepsy. The Sisters were able to construct a secure chain-linked fence around the home.
The children's clothing and assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, standing. sitting. and walking aids, stolen due to the compound's open layout without a proper fence. This has put the children and their belongings at risk. One day, a child wandered through the open fence and was found crawling towards the neighbor's compound. The incident came as a shock. and wondered what could have happened if we hadn't noticed the child's absence.
"We are greatly thankful as the security of the children. staff/caretakers and property is
assured. AJI this Is thank to the generous financial support of Thank you once again." - Sr. Janet

Wheelchairs, Seeds, & Sewing Machines
January 2023
Your bountiful support has given the precious children who live at the Saint Joseph the Worker Home a healthy and flourishing environment!
Thanks to you. along with the Sisters of Mary or Kakamega who run the home. we have been able to give the children what they need to succeed:
Wheelchairs, which have helped children with cerebral palsy move around the home easier and attend physiotherapy.
Nutritious food that sustain them as they await the yearly harvest. They will take the seeds you helped provide and plant them to grow food. Cows have also been purchased which help support a nutritious diet in the children as they consume dairy regularly now.
Vocational training machines such as sewing machines are training the children to develop essential skills with tasks such as se wing !heir uniforms.
Essentials supplies such as medicine for the children who struggle with epilepsy and enough mattresses and beds for each child.
These children can shed a light on their community and are grateful for your support as it is positively changing their lives!

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