Tea workers are one of South Asia's most deprived communities in terms of fair wages, access to education, healthcare, nutrition, and other basic human needs. At first glance, the lush greenery of the tea plantations of Bangladesh seems beautiful. "This is God's country," you might think if you ever visit there. But life in these tea plantations has a dark underside, and a closer look reveals deep suffering. Tea laborers work long hours plucking, carrying, and weighing tea leaves. They earn only $1.00 USD per day.
When they go home at night, it's to residences called "labor lines" have only one or two rooms, no running water, and limited access to dean water and sanitation. Disease runs rampant. Most tea laborers are illiterate. They've never had access to quality education-tea plantations don't provide good schools because students might get big ideas, and dream of a better life, and leave the tea garden.
The Project has Positively impacted on 250 Students
January 2024
The project has positively impacted on the lives of 250 students in different villages and 13 teachers in tea garden providing stipends for education-related expenses. This support has empowered underprivileged and marginalized students to break the vicious cycle of discrimination and exploitation prevailing in the tea garden.
By distributing stipends and covering various educational expenses (books, monthly fees, clothing, stationery, and entrance coses) the project has undoubtedly contributed to academic success/formal elementary education. The academic results at the end of the year 2023 certainly bring about a positive trend among the supported students.
The project not only provides education, but also positively impacting social cohesion dueto supporting both Hindu and Christian students. Moreover, this initiative fosters dialogue and understanding which promotes interfaith harmony and peace.
Bonnya and Jahir are Now in 5th Grade
Today, Bonnya and Jahir are in the 5th Grade. Thanks to your support over the last two years, they are still in school and receiving a high-quality Catholic education. Bonnya still dreams of one day working as a police officer, and bringing safety to her community. Jahir's dream of becoming a doctor is also alive and well. Thanks 10 your support, Bonnya, Jahir, and 150 other children are two years closer to making their dreams come true.