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Let’s give children quality Catholic education!


Your generosity over the years has enabled Catholic World Mission to celebrate 10 years of supporting Mano Amiga Schools.

Catholic education to children at Mano Amiga Schools
Transforming Futures: Your support brings Catholic education to children at Mano Amiga Schools, fostering growth in charity, humility, and honesty.

Mano Amiga offers so much more than a textbook education! These schools are nothing less than a system for radically transforming the life of a child living in poverty. In addition to challenging students academically, Mano Amiga schools provide additional services - such as nutrition programs, basic health care, family counseling, and job placement for parents - to help the whole family thrive. With your support, they provide a strong Catholic education, preparing students for the sacraments and grounding them in Catholic values and morals.

Student at Mano Amiga School Philippines expresses deep gratitude for the support received in the las 13 years.

As Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train up the young in the way they should go; when they are old, they will not depart from it.

Help us train the next generation of faithful Catholics and provide a way out of poverty for children in desperate need. Please make your most generous gift today!

Every dollar counts! Donate now!



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