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Help Catholic parishes and families rebuild in Pakistan


Catholics from the Diocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan, stood among the ashes of their desecrated church as they gathered to celebrate.

On August 16, a violent mob attacked 26 Christian churches — three of them Catholic — and destroyed 62 homes, leaving those families without food and shelter. The churches were burned to the ground. The statuettes, Holy Bibles, and other sacred objects were torn of broken into pieces. An altar was destroyed with toxic chemicals. One parish house was demolished with a crane.

Catholics from the Diocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan
Catholics from the Diocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan, stood among the ashes of their desecrated church as they gathered to celebrate.

Still, the faith of the Catholic community throughout the Diocese was unshakable. That first Mass in front of the rubble that has been a church sent a powerful message of hope and courage.

Stand in solidarity with your brothers and sisters in Christ in Pakistan

More than 1,600 of our Christian siblings were affected by this cruel assault on human rights and dignity. But as we prepare for Lent, let us remember the words of a favorite seasonal hymn “Ashes”: We rise again to create ourselves anew.”

The Diocese of Faisalabad rise from the ashes into a new creation.




God Is Near to the Brokenhearted

May - December 2024

Catholic World Mission and the Diocese of Faisalabad have created a project which is designed to help the victimized poor families and Christian community affected by the Jaranwala Incident.

During survey visits, the specific needs of each family were determined according to the losses they suffered. These families were facing numerous struggles in their daily lives because of the tragedy they endured including health, financial, and social challenges. This project has enabled the Catholic Diocese of Faisalabad to provide massive support to these affected families. Through this project, the maximum number of the most deserving people have been provided with food packages, hand pumps for potable water, and repaired houses. From the rubble of this unthinkable disaster has risen churches and homes renewed in the Holy Spirit! Generous Catholic World Mission donors like you have rebuilt the parish house, two churches, and 12 family homes. Additionally, you helped give food to 99 poor families as they recovered from the violence.

Food distribution in Jaranwala, Pakistan
People have been provided with food packages, hand pumps for potable water, and repaired houses.

Food distribution in Jaranwala, Pakistan

All support has been provided in a dignified way so families can feel ownership in their own recovery. Overall, the project is being implemented successfully and will have a lasting long-lasting impact on these families and communities. The horrible conditions have been improved and the Christian community has once again gained hope and prosperity in their lives. Moreover, as support has flowed from the Catholic Diocese of Faisalabad, the trust of the people in the Catholic Church and their faith in Christ has strengthened once again. Thank you for helping the Christian community!


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