How to Share the Gospel by Using the Internet
Sharing the Gospel can take many forms. Maybe you’re stuck at home and wondering how to spread the Gospel in quarantine, or maybe you want to reach people outside of your geographical community. The good news is with modern technology, you can share the Gospel virtually with people all over the world. We’ll explore more about how to use technology to spread the Gospel. Whether you create and publish original content or share spiritual posts on social media, you can have an impact on others — even those you’ve never met.
How to Share the Gospel Online Through Content Creation
One way you can share your faith with others online is through content creation. Online content includes blogs, videos, podcasts and more. If you have creative talents, you can put them to use creating content that can reach strangers online with the Gospel. Consider these ideas:
- Videos for kids: If you have a heart for children’s evangelism, you could create entertaining and educational videos to post on YouTube to help kids learn that God loves them. These could be animated videos, puppet shows or something else — use your imagination and draw on your special skills and talents. YouTube is extremely popular with kids and families, with some of the platform’s most popular kids channels drawing tens of millions of subscribers.
- Lifestyle blog: You could start a blog where you discuss your faith journey. You don’t need to limit your blog to spiritual topics. You could include parenting advice, recipes and anything else you’re uniquely well-positioned to share. Whatever you share, weave in elements of your faith. You never know what sort of impact you could have on others with these spiritual truths.
- Podcast: If you’re studying a book of the Bible or exploring a certain religious topic and want to share your insights, you could start a podcast. You can also ask to contribute to an existing podcast as a guest. As of 2019, approximately 88 million people in the U.S. listen to podcasts, so you can reach many people through an engaging podcast.
How to Use Social Media for Evangelism
Maybe the idea of content creation is a bit daunting to you, but if you’re among the 82% of Americans who has a social networking profile, you can use this platform for sharing the Gospel online. Consider the type of posts you share now. Would your social media followers and friends know you’re a Christian? Would they get a glimpse into the Gospel by reading your posts?
The Bible may not say anything specifically about being a social media missionary, but it has plenty to say about sharing our faith. Social media can be a valuable tool for evangelism, just like any other communication tool. The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that, “we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us.” Are you an ambassador for Christ on social media?
Here are a few ideas for sharing the Gospel through social media:
- Go live with your testimony: One way you can boldly share the Gospel is through your own testimony. Consider going live on Facebook, Instagram or another platform. Or, if you’re more comfortable doing so, prerecord a video. Talk about how you came to faith and what a difference God has made in your life. Try to keep it brief, just hitting the highlights, since people will be more likely to watch a short video. Encourage people to comment or send you a direct message if they have questions about your faith.
- Share Christian music: Christian music can be a tool for evangelism. If there’s a song you enjoy listening to that packs a lot of spiritual truth into it, share it online. You can share a music video or a link to the song on a streaming platform like Spotify. Consider adding a caption that explains what the song means to you.
- Share Christian quotes or posts: If you struggle to find the right words, remember, you can help spread the Gospel by sharing the words of others. There is so much great content out there for you to share. It might be a Christian blog post you read, the story of a saint, a quote from the Pope, a personal testimony, or an article about lives that were touched by Catholic World Mission. When you read something impactful, look for that share button. You may get someone to think about God simply because you passed a resource along.
- Post Bible passages: Another resource you can draw from is the Bible. This one may seem obvious, but in looking for the most relevant and impactful things to share, we can sometimes forget to go straight to the source. When you share Scripture verses, you could be getting God’s Word in front of someone who otherwise would not read the Bible on their own.
- Be an open book: People tend to put their best foot forward online and even be a bit competitive about showing off the best parts of their lives. You can make a bold impression on your friends and followers by breaking this mold in your online presence. Share your struggles, as well as the high points, and talk openly about how God is working in your life. This sort of sincerity and transparency is counter-cultural and is sure to get people’s attention.
Remaining Respectful When Evangelizing on Social Media
When you engage with others on social media, remember to be respectful in everything you say. It’s easy to become frustrated by hateful comments from others and lash out in response, but this is not a good way to evangelize.
In 1 Peter chapter 3, we are reminded we should share our faith with others “with gentleness and reverence,” so that when someone abuses us for our good conduct, they’ll be put to shame. Respond to others with love, and you may quickly unravel their assumptions about you. They may even apologize or become more open to listening to what you have to say.
In the world of social media, a respectful disagreement can seem like a paradox, so this is a great way for you to show the world you’re different and to communicate the love of Christ.
Support Global Missions With Catholic World Mission
Posting about God on social media or creating content to help others learn about Him is a fantastic way to share your faith with the world. Pray for boldness to help share your faith, unhindered by insecurities or fear of what others will think.
If you have a heart for evangelism and want to support mission work around the world, consider supporting Catholic World Mission. Evangelization is one of our four pillars. We support projects and programs all over the world that are designed to raise people out of spiritual poverty and give them the greatest gift there is — salvation through Jesus Christ. Learn more about our evangelization work, and consider making a donation today.
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