Whats is Adoration?
Eucharistic Adoration is a Catholic tradition in which we get to be in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. The Body of Christ is held in a monstrance and stationed in a designated space, usually the altar or chapel, which allows us to have personal, tranquil, and uninterrupted time with Jesus.
A consecrated host, one that has been transformed at Mass to the actual Body of Christ, is removed from the tabernacle. While the tabernacle does hold the consecrated hosts, is available for prayer, and given reverence, the Eucharist is still covered, concealed, and usually locked inside.
For Eucharistic Adoration, the host is placed in a monstrance that contains a glass compartment (called a luna) and exposes the Eucharist before all. The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament proves to be the key and most important factor of Eucharistic Adoration. If the parish chooses to only have particular hours for Eucharistic Adoration, an ordained minister will repose the Blessed Sacrament and place it back in the tabernacle.
The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament serves as an extension of the adoration and praise of the Body and Blood of Christ during the Mass. Eucharistic Adoration allows us to acknowledge the strength and almighty power of our Lord and Savior. During this time of reverence, visitors may pray, recite the rosary, read scripture, offer intentions, or simply sit in the presence of the Lord.
Open to anyone, Eucharistic Adoration also assigns the visiting adorers the responsibility of being a guardian to the Blessed Sacrament. This silent period of time with Jesus gives many people the blessing of internal peace, greater hunger for Communion with God, and deepened assurance in His power and presence.
When did Adoration Start?
The origins of Eucharistic Adoration can be dated back to the time of Jesus’s first apostles. These evangelists strongly emphasized the physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist and its role in being a continuation of Jesus’s saving mission.
These evangelists strongly emphasized the physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist and its role in being a continuation of Jesus’s saving mission.
Influenced by this faith, early hermits would conceal and often preserve the Eucharist in their caves for safekeeping. They would also carry the Eucharist on their person when traveling.
By the Fourth Century, the Eucharist was commonly reserved in monasteries and convents and served the primary purpose of reaching the sick and dying. The keeping of the Blessed Sacrament in religious houses became very guarded, often under lock and key.
The 11th century brought extremely controversial voices that rejected and criticized the physical transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Pope Gregory VII, defending against this heresy, clarified the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist: Jesus is truly and actually present in the Eucharist. This clarification created various gateways for visits, viewings, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This “eucharistic renaissance” brought about a more open and available worship of the Blessed Sacrament. Since then, the ability to adore and be before the Eucharist has developed greatly and continues to move the hearts of countless individuals and communities.
Why would I do go to Adoration?
By attending Eucharistic Adoration, we are accepting an invitation from Jesus to grow closer to Him. With the presence of the exposed and physical being of Christ, God reveals his tenderness to us in the silence.
With the presence of the exposed and physical being of Christ, God reveals his tenderness to us in the silence. By allowing God into our hearts, He gives strength and hope to those who wander or are lost.
Eucharistic Adoration blesses one with a temporary escape from the secular world to bring our struggles before God. Away from noise and distractions, adoration opens an opportunity for healing, guidance, enlightenment, forgiveness, and peace.
Who can Participate?
Anyone is welcome to visit and pray with the Blessed Sacrament. God makes his grace available to all his children. From individuals to groups to entire parishes, Eucharistic Adoration is offered to all for petitions and thanksgiving.
Does Adoration Benefit the Church Community?
It does! The tradition of Eucharistic Adoration also brings an abundance of blessings for the parish.
Whether attending on a whim, on your own schedule or signing up for a specific guardian time, attending adoration increases your involvement in parish life.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament offers a place for the community to come together in deep prayer and adoration.
God pours out his love and support to parishes in need. Parishes that become anchored in Christ in this way are able to withstand any challenge, change, or shortcoming.
The Eucharist is also a sign of personal communion with God. The more we develop this spiritual relationship on a personal, individual level, the better we get at developing an authentic love of neighbor, which strengthens the parish family.
About Eucharistic Miracles
Sts. John Fisher (1469-1535) and Thomas More (1478-1535) were strengthened in life and prepared for martyrdom by fervent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In one of More’s prayers, published after his death, we read, “O sweet Saviour Christ, by the diverse torments of Thy most bitter Passion, take from me, good Lord, this lukewarm fashion or rather key-cold meditation, and this dullness in praying to Thee. And give me Thy grace to long for Thy Holy Sacraments, and especially to rejoice in the Presence of Thy Blessed Body, sweet Saviour Christ, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, and duly to thank Thee for Thy gracious visitation therewith.”
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1680), a Visitation nun, found that the Blessed Sacrament gave her the strength she needed to endure what witnesses at her beatification process declared were “contempt, contradictions, rebukes, insults, reproaches, without complaining, and praying for those by whom she was ill-treated.”
On August 18, 1996, Father Alejandro Pezet was saying an evening Mass at a Catholic church in central Buenos Aires. Upon finishing distributing communion, a woman came forward and informed him that a discarded host had been seen on a candleholder in the back. Unable to consume the host, Father Peret placed the Blessed Sacrament in a vessel of water in the tabernacle to allow it to dissolve. The following Monday, Father Peret was astonished to find that the host had transformed into a significantly larger and bloody substance. Kept in secret and rejecting decomposition, the host was under lock for a few years.
Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, had the substance scientifically analyzed by various specialists who determined that the mysterious substance came from an actual piece of human flesh. More specifically, it was announced to be a part of the left cardiac ventricle, a muscle responsible for pumping blood to the rest of the body. Furthermore, scientists concluded that due to an inflamed condition and an excess amount of white blood cells, the heart must have been alive when the sample was taken and had undergone severe amounts of stress.
Explore the tabbed sections below to see where you’ve helped spread the gift of Eucharistic Adoration!
Claretian Curia House in Nkolbisson Yaoundé
Our Hope is to Send a Monstrance to Each Diocese
Ghana was the first country to be sent a CWM monstrance in 2010. The Church there is organized so that a parish priest oversees his own parish and any number of outstations. These outstations can sometimes be many miles apart.
Our hope is to send a monstrance to each diocese to aid the priests not only in their personal prayer lives but also as they work to evangelize their flocks. We want as many people as possible to be able to encounter Jesus in a transformative way through Eucharistic Adoration!
We are Overjoyed that Another Parish has Received a Monstrance!
We are overjoyed to announce that another parish has received a monstrance! Thanks to your generosity, the parishioners of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in South Suntreso Kumasi, Ghana have the opportunity to experience the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
A decade ago, we worked alongside our partners to launch the monstrance distribution program and hoped to spread Eucharistic Adoration to every diocese in Ghana. We are excited to see that, through God’s grace and with the support of benefactors like you, more dioceses and communities are being uplifted by the power of the Eucharist!
Monstrance has Arrived!
We are excited to share that a precious monstrance has arrived in Nigeria! The monstrance was delivered to Archbishop Augustine O. Akubeze of the Benin Diocese in Edo State, Nigeria. How joyful it is to present the community with new opportunities to draw near and pray before the Blessed Sacrament.
The Distribution of Monstrances Made Possible by Generous Donors
During the Feast of Christ the King, Msgr. Simon leads the faithful in Eucharistic adoration. The distribution of Monstrances made possible by generous donors like you brings many to experience the peace of Christ through Eucharistic adoration.
Two More Monstrances have Been Distributed
Two more Monstrances have been distributed to Ghana which marks 14 Monstrances that currently reside all over the country. Bishop Essien and the Sisters of the Oblates are elated with joy to have gotten two of these precious Monstrances that will encourage adoration within their parish communities and beyond.
The Missionaries of the Poor in Nairobi
Two More Monstrances
In June, Deacon Rick Medina traveled to Ghana for the dedication of the newly build Immaculate Conception Parish in Enchi, Ghana. While he was there, he presented a monstrance to Msgr. Simon Assamoah and Fr. Anthony Eshun, two of our partner priests in Ghana.
Bishop John Kwofie, Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi, visited Atlanta in October 2018. Bishop Kwofie was in town to raise awareness and founds for his diocese in Ghana. It was happy surprise for him to be able to receive a new monstrance as well!
It is our sincere hope that many, many souls come to know the ever-present, never-failing love of Jesus through spending time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Monstrance Received on Behalf of Bishop George Nkuo
Our longtime partner, Fr. Eugen, was able to visit Atlanta. We gave him a monstrance, which he received on behalf of Bishop George Nkuo, Diocese of Kumbo.
Fr. Anthony Receives his Monstrance
Bishop George Varkey Led to us Giving Him a Monstrance
A chance encounter while Bishop George Varkey was visiting Atlanta led to us giving him a monstrance. Madagascar, an island off the coast of Eastern Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. 70.7% of the population lives below the poverty line.
New Monstrance to the Diocese of Luebo
DR Congo
DR Congo has been locked in a violent civil war for years. In the summer of 2017, the Church was targeted by the warring factions, forcing priests, religious sisters, seminarians, and bishops to go into hiding. Churches have been burned, including monstrances still containing the Blessed Sacrament!
The Church has been heavily targeted. The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in the Diocese of Luebo was desecrated on March 31. This is the seat of our friend and supporter of Ndekesha Orphanage, Bishop Pierre Celestin. He has fled the diocese for his safety.
The priests of the Diocese of Luebo have also fled. Some are still in DR Congo, living in groups in the bush or hostels, but many others have fled to other countries, including a refugee camp in Angola.
Catholic World Mission committed to getting a new monstrance to the Diocese of Luebo when the news of the violence broke. We wanted to restore the gift of adoration to the Diocese of Luebo by replacing the monstrances that were desecrated by fighters. We know the importance of being able to sit face-to-face with Jesus, especially in the midst of suffering. One of the main tenets of our faith is that the Lord is always near to us, especially in the Blessed Sacrament, and we wanted to help Bishop Celestin bring adoration back to his diocese.
Monstrance for MSFS
Your selfless giving has blessed the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales with a monstrance! This symbol of mercy will be going to the new MSFS mission in Peru so they too can experience Eucharistic Adoration and encounter Christ through the Holy Eucharist. Father Jayaseelan Selvaraj, Superior of the Pune Province, MSFS, India will bring the monstrance to Peru.
The Legionary Community in Cumming
United States
Thanks to generous CWM donors, the Legionaries of Christ were the recent recipients of a Monstrance to aid in their spiritual duties throughout metropolitan Atlanta.
Founded in 1941, The Legion of Christ is a religious congregation of pontifical right. The mission of the Legionaries of Christ is to form disciples as Christ formed His Apostles. By devoting their lives to Jesus, they allow Him to fill their hearts with an ardent enthusiasm for His Heavenly Kingdom.
The Legionaries of Christ’s impact in the Atlanta area has proven to be tremendous. Their service includes working with Regnum Christi, serving as Chaplains at schools like Pinecrest Academy and Holy Spirit Preparatory, assisting at parishes including St. Brendan the Navigator, supporting couples in marriage preparation and renewal, leading retreats and youth events, and participating in missions.
A new monstrance for the Legionary Community in Cumming, GA.
The Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
The Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor community greatly appreciate the help of Catholic World Mission and their benefactors donating 2 Monstrances to their church. As they engage in Adoration daily the Sisters strive to spread hope and love, and pray ceaselessly to help with the spread of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Monstrance’s will help them facilitate, foster, and develop their Adoration devotions and services as they earnestly turn to the Eucharistic Jesus to be their strength now and always. Countless hearts and souls will receive the spiritual fruits and boundless graces from our Eucharistic Adoration at Queen of Heaven Formation House in Montego Bay.
New Monstrance for Veracruz Community
The Missionaries of the Poor Operate in Haiti
In 2014, Father Brian Kerr, MOP, came to Catholic World Mission with a simple request: he wanted to promote Eucharistic Adoration in the centers the Missionaries of the Poor operate in Haiti.
The Missionaries of the Poor pray as a community before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed in their new monstrance.
Diocese of Sylhet
Diocese of Dinajpur
Bishop Shorot Francis
Merciful Monstrance for the Diocese of Sylhet
Thanks to your continued support, we have been able to ship a Monstrance to the Diocese of Sylhet in Bangladesh! Archbishop Bejoy D’Cruze joyously accepted the Monstrance on behalf of the Diocese in a special ceremony that took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He assures that the Monstrance will be given to Bishop Shorot Francis Gomes, the Bishop of the Diocese of Sylhet, once he returns from an overseas trip. The Archbishop personally called Catholic World Mission to send a message of thanks to our supporters for their abundant generosity.
Two Monstrances have Been Distributed
Praise be! Thanks to the generosity of the Catholic World Mission family of supporters, two monstrances have been distributed to the Diocese of Udipi in southern India.
The first monstrance to arrive was presented to Bishop Gerald Lobo and was immediately celebrated with a parish-wide Eucharistic Adoration. The second monstrance was gifted to the local senior center in Udipi for the community’s retired priests.
The Udipi Diocese was recently opened by the Holy Father only two years ago! We are thrilled to play a role in developing the new diocese by providing more opportunities to experience the peace of Christ through Eucharistic Adoration.
The Monstrance has Arrived in the Diocese of Dinajpur
A Monstrance is on its way to Bangladesh! Norbert Mendes, a Knight of Columbus, has assisted in the traveling process of this symbol of mercy. Once the Monstrance has arrived in the Diocese of Dinajpur it will be presented to Bishop Sebastian Tudu. The journey each Monstrance takes to its new home parish is sacred and could not be done without your selfless giving!
Columbus members at St. Patrick’s Church in Norcross, GA to deliver the Monstrance.
Thanks to the Generosity of CWM Donors
Fr. Sandeep Menezes led the First Friday Eucharistic Adoration. The Monstrance was presented to the Redemptorists in India thanks to the generosity of CWM donors.
Monstrance for the Archdiocese of Mumbai
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, an advisor of the Holy Father, blessed the Monstrance that we were able to give to the Archdiocese of Mumbai. The Monstrance has since then been sent to the Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Sanpada, Navi Mumbai. Pictured above, Father Francis Noronha proudly holds a sacred part of a long tradition in the Catholic Church that we have been able to give to this Archdiocese.
Monstrance being blessed by Cardinal Oswald Gracias.
The Monstrance was donated by Barbara and Joe Kelly along with CWM.
Holy Family Center
For Archbishop George Antonysamy, of the Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore, India, the family is the bedrock of the faith in India and for the whole Church. He told us, “If the family isn’t sound, the Church will not be sound.” This is true, especially when the Cathechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the family–the domestic church–is the primary catechist for children. “Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith” (CCC 2226).
Archbishop George dreams of building a center in his archdiocese devoted to the Holy Family, where families can come for counseling, faith formation, and spiritual retreats. He requested a monstrance for this center, so that all the families who come can know Jesus and receive graces from sitting at the Lord’s feet in adoration.
Along with Catholics, Archbishop George taught us that Hindus and Muslims also have a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Hindus and Muslims make up the majority of the population in India, and Archbishop George wants to help form all families, so the Holy Family Center will be open to practitioners of all faiths–Hindu, Muslim, and Christians. Archbishop George wants to teach all families how to pray together and how to resolve conflicts and grow stronger together. It is so exciting to be part of that mission in an integral way by providing a monstrance!
Adore for Vocations
One major impact Archbishop Antonysamy hopes adoration in the Holy Family Center will have is on priestly vocations.
He shared with us that for many seminarians, their approach to their studies is more like studying for a profession rather than a vocation. This stems in large part from family culture in India. Adult children are expected to care for their parents, especially as they age. For many men in seminary, the priesthood appears to be a profession which will allow them to fulfill this duty. We know that the priesthood is a vocation, and a vocation is a gift from God, which allows us to know him, love him, serve him, and make him known to others. (Marriage and consecrated life are other vocations.)
Archbishop George sees that forming families goes hand-in-hand with forming the hearts of men called to the priesthood. He wants to mold the hearts and minds of these men in a special way so that they know that by giving their lives in service to God and his Church, they are doing more than taking up a job or career. They are, in fact, responding to God’s deep love for them. He wants to form families, too, so that they more fully understand their son’s calling and their own vocations.
New Monstrance for the Archdiocese of Karachi
The Joseph family presented the new monstrance for the Archdiocese of Karachi during their visit to Pakistan.
Fr. Joel Grissom, SM, parochial vicar of Our Lady of the Assumption in Atlanta, GA, presented a new monstrance to the Joseph family. The Josephs received this monstrance on behalf of Joseph Cardinal Coutts. Cardinal Coutts is a newly ordained cardinal in Pakistan. This new monstrance will be used at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Karachi, Pakistan.
Another Monstrance for his Diocese!
Sri Lanka
Bishop Harry visited Atlanta this month, and we were able to present him with another monstrance for his diocese! Two of Catholic World Mission’s board members, Oscar Tanaka and Nick Donnelly, were on hand to present the monstrance to Bishop Perera.
It’s Beautiful to see Jesus Being Adored in Different Places Around the World!
Sri Lanka
Bishop Harry sent us photos from a recent event held for the local faithful in Kurunegala. Click through the pictures below to see snapshots of benediction, and religious and laypeople in prayer.
Two New Monstrances for the Diocese of Kurunegala
Sri Lanka
Bishop Harry Perera visited Catholic World Mission to receive two new monstrances for the Diocese of Kurunegala. Bishop Harry shared his plans for the monstrances: one will be used immediately for the diocese’s monthly day of reflection for priests, and the other will be installed in a perpetual adoration chapel that will be added to Bishop Harry’s cathedral in Sri Lanka.
On the second Monday of every month, the priests of the Diocese of Kurunegala gather at the Cathedral of St. Anne. Bishop Harry told us, “I want the priests to pray before the Eucharistic Lord, especially for one hour in adoration. I want them to gather strength from this source and summit of Christian life.”
“Without the Eucharist,” Bishop Harry added, “there is no priesthood!” This is a point that is incredibly important to him. He repeated it several times during our visit with him. His love for the priesthood and his commitment to Jesus in the Eucharist is strong.
Bishop Perera thanked Catholic World Mission and our donors warmly. He told us, “I want to thank Catholic World Mission and its donors. Assure your donors that I will pray for them in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord.”
“I want the priests to pray before the Eucharistic Lord, especially for one hour in adoration. I want them to gather strength from this source and summit of Christian life.”
For the Good of Many Souls in Korea
South Korea
Father Simon Chung, LC, has served in Seoul, South Korea, for five years. Fr. Simon and other Legionary priests have a simple but profound mission: to work, as Fr. Simon says, “for the good of many souls in Korea.”
The Legionaries work to build a foundation for their order and Regnum Christi (an apostolic movement within the Roman Catholic Church) in the Archdiocese of Seoul and the surrounding area. Legion priests first came to South Korea 11 years ago but, Fr. Simon says, “They have been very difficult years.”
Two months ago, Fr. Simon started a prayer group that gathers to pray for an increase in vocations and to bring personal intentions to the Lord. His desire is to make adoration available during these prayer meetings, so that the faithful who come can bring their needs to Jesus in a very special way. This prayer group currently celebrates mass together for their intentions, and Fr. Simon is excited to be able to add adoration to their prayer nights as well!
One of the fruits Fr. Simon hopes will come from Eucharistic Adoration in his area: that the community in Seoul, which is still in a period of “laying foundations,” so to speak, will be strengthened as they draw closer to Jesus.
Please keep Fr. Simon and his mission in your prayers. He has been a Legionary for 27 years, and was ordained to the priesthood in 2002. We are grateful for his “yes” to his vocation, and we are honored to support him with our prayers.